
The best start to the new year can be a new home. Buyers plan to close in January. One particular buyer named Deloris (last name withheld) just closed and picked up her key. She is excited to finally buy her first home. Deloris searched and searched for the right home. She finally found it. It was a newly built house here in the southwest. “When I saw it, I knew it was the house,” she said. “I wanted to be the first owner of a brand new house. As a licensed real estate agent, I wonder what will inspire a buyer to know that this is the perfect home. A real estate agent looks at a property with a client, keeping in mind that the client is the one buying the house. And most importantly, it is the client's money that will buy the house. The real estate agent looks out for the buyer, draws attention to the conditions and problems with the house. There could be structural issues that the client might otherwise overlook. A real estate agent's job is to protect the client, educate and advise the buyer, and save the client money. Let's look at an example. Deloris spent months looking at pre-existing homes. She drove in different areas. She finally had a backup offer on the house that went back and forth for a week. Then one evening she went and looked at new homes in DeSoto. Unexpectedly, the "sold" house became vacant. The best part was the abundance of upgrades. She was thrilled. She signed the contract. The house was ready to move into. Wait a minute. What about a home inspection? "I don't need a tour," she replied. “This is a new home. The real estate agent advised her to have the house inspected before the inspection. There were several builders' houses where items were not completed: trim left unpainted, gutter missing, fireplace pipe not cut to allow gas to light logs, etc. These and many more could be passed around the walk-through. Deloris still refused the search. Then the licensee's broker stepped in. He paid for the tour and told her "Happy New Year." After the home inspection, several repairs were again brought to the attention of the builder. During the inspection, the building inspector noted the repairs, as did others, and agreed to fix them. Although the senior inspector found some deficiencies, the home inspection report (by a licensed home inspector) revealed others that may have gone unnoticed. Repairs were scheduled for repair and a final inspection was provided prior to closure. The home builder made sure Deloris' house was in pristine condition. Deloris definitely feels like she bought a brand new home. "This is the right house," she smiled. Many builders refer to the southwest region as "undiscovered territory". What were once cow pastures are now rapidly turning into new subdivisions. In fact, many news end sales the size of Texas. So before the new year rolls around, buyers may want to consider checking out new developments before prices rise. The beginning of January is a good time to buy construction houses and new construction. It's late 2005 and early 2006. Builders are closing inventory and starting new inventory. Deloris managed to buy her house for less than the original list price. She saved quite a bit of money. During the walk-through, the building supervisor took the time to explain the features of the home and make sure the appliances were in working order. Every question was answered and every room was viewed and discussed. The buyer and the building manager even inspected the land. Also, one of the best amenities was that the house was set up for wireless internet. The estate agent was present for both inspections and made sure everything went smoothly. After looking around, the realtor realized it was a great house for Deloris. Better yet, a new home for the New Year. Happy New Year. Helena Hill is real estate in Dallas

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