
Many homeowners decide at various times to make certain repairs and/or modifications. Some are out of necessity, due to damage and/or wear and tear, while others are for cosmetic and/or taste reasons! One should consider a number of factors before incurring a costly expense/expenditure. These include: how long you will live in this house; your alternatives; return on investment (R.O.I.) etc. This article will discuss 5 positives (pros) and/or negatives (cons) related to home repairs and/or modifications. 1. Cosmetic changes: This category includes items that improve the appearance of the property, but are mostly minor in nature! For example, interior or exterior painting can be cosmetic. If you're painting to simply change the look, color, theme, etc., that falls into the category, but if it's necessary due to structural damage (such as water damage, etc.), that's a much different scenario! If you plan to keep the house for a long time, you have a lot more flexibility in terms of colors, etc. than if you plan to sell it in the foreseeable, near future! 2. Kitchen: Does your kitchen need remodeling and/or renovation for structural reasons or to improve its look and feel? How much you spend on a kitchen remodel is something to consider! A well-judged amount of spending usually makes sense and has a reasonable return on investment (R.O.I.), but excessive spending is another matter. A homeowner can spend as they choose, but should have a somewhat realistic view of its value, especially to potential buyers. 3. Bathrooms: What is your reason for wanting to renovate/upgrade your bathrooms? Compare the options and alternatives, including determining if a system like Bath Fitters makes sense, as opposed to a complete demolition and rebuild! Again, updating the bathrooms, maybe. 4. What is the lifespan of your heating system and should you change it (for example switching from oil to gas)? Carefully and thoroughly consider all decisions related to conversions. If you wish to install a central air conditioning system in your home, should you go the conventional route or ductless? Weigh the cost, savings, space - sacrifices and pros vs cons! Always get multiple quotes and compare apples to apples before you act! 5. Grounds Maintenance: How much money should you spend on grounds maintenance, landscaping, trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, etc. Homeowners have options when it comes to the best way to proceed for home repairs and alternatives. Know what you need and want and consider it thoroughly! Richard has owned companies, been COO, CEO, Director of Development, Consultant, Professionally Managed Events, Consulted thousands of people, Conducted Personal Development Seminars for 4 decades and has been a licensed RE Dealer for over a decade. Rich wrote

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