
The Choices We Make A while ago I was teaching a class on lease options and a gentleman asked me why someone would sell a house on a lease option. When I answered he said "but..." and then I answered his new questions and he
said "but...". My daughter does the same thing. What he and my daughter have in common is that they look for reasons why something is wrong. I stopped teaching the class and focused on this gentleman. We had a quick discussion where I pointed out what I had noticed and that I felt he had chosen to look for things that would prevent his success. If you focus on why something doesn't work, it won't work. If this gentleman can change his thoughts and choices, it will change his life. I remember when I started in real estate, I decided to quit my job and go all in. I thought I could do it without a steady income. It was true, I could have arranged it, but I didn't. I started getting into trouble. I had tenants who didn't pay and I didn't have enough cash reserves. Things got tough and I began to doubt my ability to handle it. The more I thought about my problems, the more problems I found. It got so bad that I was forced to go back to Corporate America. I continued my real estate business part time, but it was a much needed break from the stress of not knowing where the income was coming from. After about a year and a half I felt like I was ready to commit and try again. Some people function better in a job where they have a steady income and no work stress once they leave the office. I understand and can relate to the benefits The second time I went out on my own, my real estate company was doing better and making money again. I also started out as a lender. I felt completely different the second time because I had already tried and failed. I knew what it would take to be successful and that day I decided I would be successful. It was scary at the time with a baby on the way, but I knew it would I have not looked back and have achieved many of my financial goals. I now have a fantastic life and am able to help others achieve their goals. However, deciding to leave my job a second time is not why I am successful today. The reason I was able to succeed the second time when I couldn't the first time is because of choosing to focus on success. I didn't accept failure and I never looked for a reason why my company wouldn't be successful. Sure, I had some ups and downs, but I never allowed myself to focus on the failures like I did the first time. Choice is a very powerful thing. Today, when I start to have a bad day, I am aware of it and can choose to change my day. I can pick a good day even when things aren't going well. It's all about my thoughts. It is a really powerful thing when you are aware of it and are able to choose to change your thoughts. If the gentleman I talked to in that class reads this, I hope he understands that I really want to see him succeed and everyone in that class. I hope I was able to make an impact by pointing out something that I have learned and experienced in my professional life. I hope they now see that it is not always easy, but it is possible to be successful and achieve your goals by choosing a different thought pattern. It takes work and awareness, but it's the only way great things will keep coming into your life. I hope he now sees the point I was trying to make and starts a new journey.

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