
Why It's Important For Homeowners To Become Involved In Their COMMUNITY
You made a decision and acted on it! It was a nerve-wracking time, but it's over now! Congratulations: you're a homeowner! Now that you own your own home, you probably realize that it is one of, if not the, biggest asset you own. Doesn't it make sense to do everything you can to protect your investment while increasing your enjoyment etc.? It will take some commitment on your part to make this happen, but since you just bought a home, you know to commit to something if it's important to you! A wise homeowner will research the options, get to know their area, neighborhood, etc. and then decide to join your COMMUNITY. 1. Elections; cooperate; create: There are many ways to get involved, and you should choose the one that makes the most sense to you. It can be something artistic or cultural; maybe something environmental; something about schools; or some other civic area. You may want to get involved in local government or a religious institution. Choose the best one for you and start collaborating with others to make your community just that little bit better! You are amazed at what a little time and effort on your part can help create in the end! 2. Options; opportunities; opinions: Get involved to have more control over the decisions and which options your community leaders decide on! Look for the best opportunities. Voice your opinions so you don't become one of those who only blames and complains! 3. To administer; make: Try to mend fences and bring people together for the common good. Make a real contribution to those around you and everyone will benefit! 4. Meaningful: Don't be one of those people who simply find fault with what others do or are, but contribute in a meaningful way to improve weak areas, etc. 5. Unique; usual/unusual; applicable; connect: Each of us is unique in some ways, and use yours to help in either the usual or unusual ways! Formulate your ideas and thoughts and focus on how they could become usable and useful! The goal of getting involved is to help unite your neighbors and bring about change for the better, hopefully in a relevant and sustainable way. 6. Needs: Look and consider what the area needs and how you can best help get there! 7. Identity; image: What is and what do you think the identity of the area should be? How can you improve your image and help yourself while helping others? 8. Schedule: If you see something that you think needs to be changed, tweaked, or resolved, start looking at your options and alternatives immediately. Remember, it takes time to make a quality change, and once you start, you can create a relevant schedule! 9. You; Yes; yesterday: Do you live in an area where there is something historic, memorable or meaningful that might need protection, enhancement or increased support? Respect the traditions and beauty of yesterday, understand the present and look to the future! You have a choice to say yes or no to how involved you are, but remember if you decide, like most, to stay away, don't complain later! It's up to you! It's your choice: get involved or stay isolated in your comfort zone? Will you decide to get more involved in helping your COMMUNITY? Richard has owned businesses, been COO, CEO and Development Director as well as a consultant. He has professionally led events, consulted thousands of people, conducted personal development seminars for over 4 decades and has been a NYS licensed RE dealer for over a decade.

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