
I know we like to complicate things and I am in no way trying to ignore the facts of our economy or the fact that unfortunately a lot of people have taken a huge hit financially, with their homes and with their jobs/careers. This is all real. I say there are still people buying and there are still people selling. what will happen to them? Who takes care of their business? The truth is, people who see the rain will eventually come out on top. Sometimes we get so involved in the problem that we forget to become part of the solution. I know it's easier said than done, especially when you're going through it, but it's possible. There will always be ups and there will always be downs and none of us are immune to that. When you're ready to buy, sell or invest, make sure you choose someone who clearly sees opportunity in difficulty. This is key when choosing a real estate agent. You need someone on your side to provide solutions, create opportunities, and be willing to find the buyers, sellers, or investors you may need to close the deal. Remember, if you have someone representing you and they have a lot of excuses, what do you really think this person is doing for you. What can they possibly offer you if they can't even convince themselves that it's possible. If they're giving you excuses, then you better believe they're giving your clients the same playing field. Think about it. Would you choose a doctor who could not provide you with a possible solution or remedy for your illness or in the event that you became ill? How scary is that? My friend is the same with real estate. Make sure you choose the right agent to represent you and your business The reality of everything is that there will always be someone buying and someone always selling something. When it comes to real estate, it's a steady market. Yes, prices may fluctuate, but it will always be a hot item. So whether you are an agent, broker, investor, buyer or seller, the real estate business is out there and within your reach. Yes, that's the simple truth about real estate. Melanie Ruiz Real estate broker

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