
High crime rates, robberies, gang wars, discrimination and too far away police stations are just some of the prominent characteristics of a bad neighborhood. What if you live in such a neighborhood and moving is a solution that is not yet within your means? Here are some simple tips you can follow to survive each day in this neighborhood. Learn about your neighbors
Observation is one of the keys that will be of great help when interacting with your neighbors. The way they talk and act are aspects of neighborhood life that you should learn. That way you can understand them and they can understand you. Remove fear from your personality Surviving in a bad neighborhood means you have to show a huge amount of courage. But it doesn't exactly mean you have to be a bully or a law breaker. Strike a balance between being bold and submissive at times. This way you can show the locals that you have your own fist to fight when you're right and your own hands to raise when you're wrong. Besides, fear is a thing that only invites evil people to plan bad things for you. Tighten up your home security Living in a bad neighborhood requires you to strengthen your home's safety and security measures. This does not mean that you have to hire a security guard for 24/7 service. What you can do is possibly install security cameras and alarm devices. These systems can be linked to police stations and have them respond in time when unauthorized persons break into your home. You may also have some special apps installed on your gadgets that allow you to monitor your house while you are at work. Include rejection in your survival toolkit It is good to help other people, especially your neighbors. But there are times when you have to say no or at least refuse the help that other people ask for. Sometimes they are just ways to observe you and your house. You shouldn't open your home to complete strangers. If they ask for help like food, give them food but make them wait outside. Save important phone numbers that you can contact in case of an emergency When you live in a bad neighborhood, emergency preparedness and disaster preparedness should keep you armed. Storing important emergency numbers is a good approach. You should write down the numbers of relatives, friends, the police station, the fire department and the nearest hospital or clinic. Have them posted in prominent places so family members can easily refer to them. The other's cell phone number should also be stored. This way you can all communicate in and out of the house. These are just some of the simple tips you could follow to survive in a bad neighborhood until you can relocate to a more desirable community. Desare Kohn-Laski is a proud and experienced Florida real estate agent who knows and knows the East Coast Florida real estate market well. Some of its service areas include Parkland, Fort Lauderdale and Hallandale Beach. Stop the hunt for your dream home with her professional help. For more information

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